Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Southern Accent

I know this is such a random topic but I couldn't help but write about it. Okay I am sitting in the school library with my best friend while writing this. And this lady is on the phone having a conversation which seems kind of business like. Well while she was talking she mention something about having a bad southern accent. As I was listening to her talk, I didn't notice a accent. Is it because I'm from the south too. I never noticed that us southerners had a bad accent? DO we really? My grandmother said that us southerners tend to slur our words. I never noticed that. But now that I sit here and think about it, WE CAN'T TALK.(lol) If you listen to someone from up north talk, you will notice that pronounce every syllable in their words. Now think about someone talking from the deep south like New Orleans. Matter of fact think about how we say new orleans: we pronounce it: N'AWLINS (well some of us lol) while northerners pronuce it NEW OR-LEANS (the way it is spelled. We say Y'all, they say you all. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.
Well I just wanted to share my insight about northern and southern languages.


A Path to Language?

Can someone please tell me what this passage is talking about? I just finish reading the story "A Path To Language" by Christine Keneally on the 1020. As I was reading this story I continued to get even more confused. What was this lady talking about? Are you still you if you don't have language? What? Am I the only one who was confused about this whole essay. In the story the person ended being sad and depressed......Why? What is Christine Keneally trying to portray. What kind of author is she? Does she write Non-fictional or fictional stories. I really don't know.

What is the origin of language? Where was it created? Why is there so many different languages? Why are foriegn languages so hard to comprehend and learn? Why can'e everyone speak the same language? Can we still be diverse if everyone spoke the same language all over the world? Christine Keneally was write language is confusing. Just thinking about the background of language confuses me. How do you go about finding the history of language.

It feels like I am just rambling.


For the past week, I have totally forgotten about blogging for English. I don't know if its because of the stress that I have been under. Its not that I don't think that blogging isn't important, I just forget about it. And plus lately I haven't even had the time to even sit at my computer. I know college is all about time management. But how do you manage your time correctly when you have so much to do. When I say so much to do, I mean homework. Between going to class and attending all of these readings and lectures that I have to attend for my other classes, doing my homework, and trying to write three papers, plus go to sleep at a decent hour so I can make it to work on time and not fall asleep driving is about to run me up the wall. I really think that I'm just under alot stress. Plus I just found out that one of my childhood friends was murdered like last week and that has really been getting to me. I'm trying to stay focus on everything but how do you stay focus when so many things are going on in your life. Its hard. But anyway...enough with my complaining.

Thanx for reading!!

OOdles n Noodles


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring Break is suppose to be a joyous week where young college can kick off their shoes and have fun. Well that's what I think. Spring Break shouldn't be spent at your job majority of the day. Putting books on the shelves and straightening up computers was not my idea of a fun Spring Break. I didn't know whether it was the fact that some students can probably just put all of their responsiblities on the back burner for a week of fun, parties, and alcohol. Unfortunately I could not. As bad as I wanted to drop everything and go out with my girls, it didn't happen. My job prevented that. However, although spring break wasn't that spectacular, it was great seeing and having snow ballfights in the snow. Although it messed up my original plans for that friday evening playing in the snow and making snow angels was personally my favorite part of my first college spring break. WHO GETS SNOW FOR SPRING BREAK!!!!!