Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Jena Six Article

In this blog I guess I will be talking about my feelings toward the JENA 6 incident. As I have read various articles about this devastating situation, I have formed many opinions about this topic. When I first heard about JENA 6, the first thing I thought about was the Civil Rights Movement part 2. Which most of you guys now this incident was an alledgely race crime. I really don't know how to start of my explanation of my feelings about this so if you have any questions about this blog feel free to talk to me.

To describe my feelings about the JENA 6 incident is how come these young black students where charge with such harsh penalties when the two young white boys of the Columbine shooting just got a little penalty for their actions. I really don't understand that. To my understandment, the various articles and news media stated that six black boys jump a white boy. I understand that is wrong but how can you charge anybody 22 years in jail just for fighting. This incident infuriates me. I say this because (back to the Columbine shooting) the two white boys who went on a killing spree in Arkansas a few years back were set free not to long ago. If anything they should be locked up for 22+ years. Right is just right? People lost their love ones, and they justice system didn't do what they should have. SERVE JUSTICE EQUALLY! Grant the fact that a young man was hurt during the JENA 6 altercation, however, no one was murdered. I have also read that the following night or weekend after the JENA 6 altercation the white young man, went to a party as if nothing happened. That doesn't make any sense to me. If you are 'SO' hurt from being jumped..why are you out partying. I do agree with Al Sharpton and everyone else who thinks that this whole ordeal is about race. If it isn't what is it about?



My Paper....

Hey everyone its me again,
Today's topic will be about my progress with this paper for English. I don't know what to say about it. In some instances I understand what's going on and in a way I don't. Its like so much plied up at once. The only thing that I really don't like about this class is that we don't have an assignment syllabus on paper. As I have stated this before it is kind of hard trying to get to a computer to find out what your next assignment is. I understand that Wendy has more important things going on in her life at the current moment. (HEY GRACIE!!!! :)) But i feel like I am just stuck in mid air with this paper. I have read the requirements for this and I have listened to her explain what is needed for this paper. However, I am still kind of confused. When she askes us do we have any questions in class, I don't raise my hand because I never know what to ask her. I am not saying that I need someone to hold my hand to through this paper but just a little more guidance would help. :)

Well thats all for this topic.
Oodles and Noodles!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


In class Tuesday we discussed a little bit about the Columbine shooting that happened a few years ago. After all of the years I never knew that the alledge reason for the student's killing spree was Marilyn Manson's music. I have never heard any of his music before and I will never care to. (He scares me!!) However, this bothers me. All over the world it has been said that Hip Hop music influences young adults to do bad things. But look at the Columbine boys, they weren't listening to hip hop. However, I want to know why isn't Marilyn Manson getting the same kind of flack that hip hop artists are getting. Not to throw the race card up but is that the reason. Because of skin color? I don't know. (I am not that kind of person to blame everything on race but hey its just a thought.) I think that people should stop stereotyping one kind of music and look at all music. Whose to say that classical music won't make some one commit suicide because of how depressing it may sound to some? Whose to say that country music won't make someone vandalize their boyfriend's car for cheating like Carrie Underwood did in her video? I think that people should stop blaming music for other people's actions and start blaming the people. Just because a song might be talking about violence, it doesn't mean that you have to do it. I think that people cannot be influenced by media. It has been said that media influences young children all over the world. However, if you think about it, a child should not be able to be influenced by the media if the parents are doing what they are suppose to. Especially in the case of young ladies and the media image of the celebrities. I think that if a parent is telling their daughter that they are beautiful and helping them build up their self esteem that they wouldn't look up to the media's image of how a lady is suppose to look. That just my opinion you can agree with it or disagree.



Well people as you all know, the Tigers vs. the Vols game is right around the corner. I know this is a very big game but it seems like everyone is going completely nuts about it. Don't get me wrong I am basketbalkl fan to the fullest and I have my fellow TIGERS' back to the fullest. But this game isn't that important. I heard that a furniture corporation is suppose to be giving away furniture for free if we win this game or the championship. (not sure which one) Before you start thinking that I am crazy for even bringing that up, hear me out. I like the idea of getting free things but tell me is it really that crucial to be giving away free furniture just for a basketball game. It seems as if when it comes to sports people begin to lose their mines. The same with the Superbowl. (which I happen to love) People seem to get into more arguements and fists fights around this time. (or maybe its just the people I know) I understand that a person has a lot of pride for the team that they are rooting for but is it worth losing a friendship or a few teeth for. (I don't think so).

I am very excited for the UofM and the UTK game!!! #1 vs. #2!! WE ARE GOING TO WIN.!!!

<3 TEE


Time Management??? SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!

In class Tuesday one of the students brought up the topic of the blogs. I enjoy doing these blogs but the only thing that I dislike is finding the time to do them. Majority of the time it is rather hard to get in contact with a computer. I am a commuter, therefore its even worse. I have noticed that by living on the dorms that you kind of have an advantage when it comes to using the computers. They are everywhere. Besides doing the blogs, I find it so hard to manage my time. Between starting my day at work from 5 a.m. til 9 a.m. to the beginning of my school day from 9:40 til 2:00pm. I find it very hard to find the time. Besides what about the other homework from other classes. The papers, the studying for tests aned quizzes. OMG!! This is so overwhelming. I am really trying not to let everything stress me out but it has. I have noticed that I have become quite cranky and snappy to my loved ones even though I don't mean to. :( I guess its just all the pressure that is down on me. I am not complaining about college is all hard and stuff because to me it isn't. The only thing that is hard is the management of holding down a job, your classes, your homework and everything else that goes with homework, your household chores, social life, religious activities (because if it wasn't for GOD on my side I would be all the way over the edge right now.) and other things. I'm trying not to let this situation get me down but it is really getting to me. So if anyone has any advice please feel free to leave some.

oodles n noodles.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well citizens of America, it seems to be that time again. Its has been eight years since our dear President George Bush has been in office, and his time is finally up. While reading the article "Let's Not Get Out The Vote" by Robert E. Coulson. I was thinking is it really necessary for us to vote. They say "Get Out and Vote" or "Vote or Die." However, what purpose does it serve? Being the fact that it seems like the politicians are cheating anyway.

While reading the article I noticed that it brought up some great points about the slogans and propaganda from presidential campaigns. The article stated that these slogans basically makes citizens go out and vote for just about anyone who is listed, even if the candidate will not benefit the country. These slogans makes people feel as if it is requirement to vote, when its really an right. The slogans and propaganda ads are only adding bundles of pressure to our citizens. Do they really help?

Furthermore, I think that the millions of people involved in these various campaigning committees are basically interagating people to come out and vote. I also think that the politicans, of course are the ones who are promoting these unnessary slogans about voting. For instance, there is this one slogan that reads "This may be your lasr chance." This slogan may be true in a sense, when referring to death; however, it is not true in instances. This slogan in particular kind of makes it seem like if you don't vote at that very instance that you probably will die or never be able to vote again. If the politicans haven't noticed by now that us citizens WILL BE ABLE TO VOTE in the NEXT FOUR YEARS!!

After reading this article a little further, there was this one statement that really caught my eye. Coulson stated that "Instead of urging people to vote, we ought to be urging them to study and form opinions. If thought and inspection of the candidates do not create a real desire to vote, then the citizen should be encouraged to stay at home on election day" (53). I totally agree with this statement. Why should a person leave the comfort of their home just to participate in a election that they aren't even interested in. Personally, I think it is really a waste of time.

Lastly, while finishing up on the article, another statement caught my eye. Coulson stated that "It is not your duty to vote, but, if you choose to, then it should be your duty to be intelligent about it" (53). This happens to be another statement that I solely agree with. We as citizens of what suppose to be the country of freedom, should not be pressured into voting. I think that if a person doesn't care about the presidential elections sould not go out and vote. I think that if a person has formed an opinion about their preferred candidate should go for it. The only thing that I have to say to those campaigners that are creating those ridiculous slogans is to: STOP!! Always form your own opinion and do things when you want to not when others pressure you to.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I guess this blog is going to be about the work that we will have to do in English this semester. Wendy told us that we would have to be doing an 11 to 12 page paper about our subjects that we picked out in class. The other requirwents that will be needed to pass this course will be a book review, and a propaganda. However I have no idea what a propaganda is? Although she goes over what's going on in class I tend to not remember how to do it when I get home. I hope that by the time it is for us to turn all of our materials in that I will understand the what we will have to do.

My goal for this whole paper is to not wait until the last minute to do my work and not wait to the day of or day before. Procrastination isn't nothing nice. I know that what I am talking bout is really irrelavant but I really can't think of anything else to right about.

I have come to find out that blogging on a certain subject is actually kind of hard to do. Especially when its all about research. I have noticed that the majority of these various websites basically says the same exact thing.




Well this topic doesn't have to do with anything concerning my paper but of course it is a very interesting topic. I am quite sure everyone has their own story about the whole ordeal. Well here is mine.

All day yesterday I heard news that it was going to be a severe storm that day. But by the way it felt yesterday you would have thought that there was no way that there was going to be a storm. But then again you knew something wasn't right because it was wayyyyyyyyyy too warm to be smack dead in the middle of winter.

However, a little after we were released from school people all over Tennessee began to spot funnel like clouds. The whole ordeal was extremely weird because the whether was extremely warm and calm. In my neighborhood we only received a little bit of rain and a whole lot of wind. ALOT!!!!!! Unfortunately, I experienced the high winds a little too close to home. My favorite mall in Memphis, THE HICKORY RIDGE MALL, was destroyed. (Well half of it!) Too some of you guys this unfortunate situation might not be of any care of yours, but that ordeal was a tad bit too close to home. (LITERALLY)!! I don't stay that far from the mall. Debris was found in my backyard from the SHARP WAREHOUSE, that also received ALOT of damage. ( That's like down the street and around a couple of corners from my house.)

This whole situation was extremely scarey and I wished it would have never happened. As I was driving down Mendanhall, by the FORMER Sharp Warehouse, the street and that whole area felt extremely eerie. I felt like I didn't belong. The feeling is really indescribable. I just pray that it never hit its 70's again in the middle of winter.





An article that really caught my attention was entitled "MEMPHIS BATTLING INFANT DEATH EPIDEMIC". The reason this article caught my attention was because it was talking about premature babies. I can so relate to what these small babies are going through. Although, I don't know what exactly happened, I do know that I am a MIRACLE BABY, like all premature babies. I was born two months before I was suppose to be born. (I was born in December but I was suppose to be born in February) I have heard a million stories about how there was so many tubes attached to my tiny body. I wieghed 2 pounds and 13 oz. (Yea I was a tiny little thing) Looking at myself now I can't even imagine how I could have been so small. (WOW!!) My mom told me that I had to stay in the hospital from 2 to 3 months. I was finally able to go home after I reached the appropriate wieght range. I am perfectly normal...(WELL IN SOME SENSE LOL).

Seeing a premature baby is really an eye opener. A premature baby's life is so delicate. (Every baby's life is delicate, Don't get me wrong) There is always a nurse around in the nursery, NO MATTER WHAT. Each baby is assigned their own nurse 24 hours a day. When I found this information out, I was so intrigued by it.

This subject is a very sensitive subject to me (BECAUSE I ALMOST DIED AT BIRTH). I would like for every one to become more knowledgeable about premature babies, and how women can find ways to prevent it. (If possible)

<3 TEE


Healthcare VS.....What??

I was reading this article about healthcare and it was something that was stated in the passage that had confused me a little bit. The statement said "we are hearing once again that only government can address the unmet needs of the poor and uninsured." Now this quote I really did not understand. How is that possible?? I think if someone or a group of people are willing and able to help others...LET THEM. The government can on only address those peoples needs.....HELLO!!!! Healthcare is ONE of the MANY ISSUES that has been brought up in this whole presidential election. In my opinion the government isn't doing anything but help George Bush run our country into the ground. How is it possible to let the government do things for us "po folk" and the nation is extremely in debt itself. How can the government help us when they don't have any money. SO NOT UNDERSTANDABLE!!!! (is that even a word :)) As I furthered my reading through the paragraph it also stated that "no state should claim that all children will now have health insurance. We know from our experience in Tennessee that it will never happen." Not only will it not happen in Tennessee but no other state either because our nation is in so much debt.

As I was reading this article I was stunned to read that a lady had got turned away from three facilities all because her baby was claimed not to be "sick enough." How sick do you want the poor child??? Half past dead?? That is a crying shame that a baby, an infant, has to be half past dead to get its proper medical attention.

What is this world coming to?!!!!!


Friday, February 1, 2008

The Impact From VA Tech Tragedy :(

As I was going through the list of blogs to find another blog to write about, I came across this one about the VA Tech Shooting. It will be a year since this tragedy happen in April. WOW!! Can't believe it has been that long.:( But anyway, when this tragedy happen it left a huge impact on the world. This happened my senior year in high school, a month before graduation. (Same as most of you who is probably reading this blog.) When the media had announced what happened on our classroom television, it was a shock to all. To some of us seniors it kind of felt close to home, being the fact that the following fall season, most of us would be attending college as a freshmen.We were all thinking that what if that happens to us...or will it happen? (Well that's what I was thinking.) I remember this one incident, one of my fellow senior classmates made a threat about shooting everybody up like the guy did at VA Tech at our graduation. It seemed like our whole school went upside down. Due to the fact that the tragic incident happened earlier that week and that our graduation was the following month. Of course he had gotten reprimanded for his actions and graduation went just fine. However, I think that since that statement or threat was said, that the administrators thought that we would need extra security. My family told me after graduation that we had a whole lot of police officers around. I think that my grandmother said that there was like two officers at every entrance way at graduation. (My graduation was held at the Desoto Civic Center.) I just think that the incident from VA Tech had a large impact on schools every where, high schools and Univeristies (ESPECIALLY)!!




Who Should We Trust?

When I ran across this blog I thought that it was quite interesting. "Memphians Don't Trust One Another" Wow, what can I say? How can Memphians trust each other? Its not just Memphians though....Its people all all over the world. As mentioned in the blog that I read, Where has the "Love thy Neighbor" motto gone? To tell you the truth it has went straight out the window. How can you LOVE your neighbor, when your neighbot doesn't LOVE you. I think LOVE is non-existing in the world. People just don't love or care about each other more. We rather stay to ourselves as mentioned in the blogs. However, I do not act that way. Whenever I see someone, I say "Hi" and asks them are they doing, whether I know them or not. I think the reason of why Memphians and the other people all around the world don't trust each other is because we don't trust our President. How can you trust those around you when you can't trust the leader of the country you reside in? We can't help that we as Memphians don't trust each other? How can you trust them when everyday one of your fellow Memphians is trying to cause harm to you? I don't trust my fellow Memphians because I have trouble trusting people period. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I can't trust people that I don't know. No matter how friendly or nice they seem to be. Trust isn't given to someone, that person has to earn it. Well thats my motto anyways.




Robberies in Winterland!!!

I just read this blog talking about the recent robberies that happened early last month. I hate the way our city has become. Citizens of Memphis can't even walk their dogs in the safety of their own neighborhoods anymore. Why you may ask? Well my answer to this is: I don't know. I hate that young children can't even enjoy a evening at the park with their siblings without worrying about getting hit by a stray bullet from a driveby shooting. It really doesn't make any type of sense. But my thing is, if you know are aware of all the things that is going on in the city, why do you put yourself in a position to get robbed. Let me make that last sentence clear. Okay, if a person knows that there has been various robberies going on in the city, but still decides to go out at NIGHT for a walk with VALUABLE my eyes that is basically setting yourself up. I understand that some people, me for one, thinks that they shouldn't have to put their lives on hold just because of others wrong doings. However, its LIFE that you can't get back because of someone else's stupidity. I hate that we as citizens can't enjoy our lives the way we want to in out own city. Terrible isn't it? *THINKING* I know right!!. :)

Word count: 230

Abortion??!!! Good or Bad?!

I just finished reading a blog about abortion from the Confessions of a West Memphis Liberal. The blog was basically talking about how "pro-life" protesters and groups have put restraints on the various doctors and clinics. Personally, I do not believe in abortion. I think it is wrong to kill a innocent life that wasn't asked to be created. I don't think it is fair to take a person's life away all because of your mistake. (and for those who don't think so, a embryo, fetus or just straight unborn child is a person. DO THE RESEARCH.) My thing is if you do not intend to get pregnant, don't set yourself up for it. There are so many ways to prevent pregnancies now a days that it doesn't make any since that there are still so many ladies getting abortion. PROTECT YOURSELF. I personally think that people should learn to take responsibility for their action instead of running away from the problems. As the saying goes "You made your bed, now you have to lie in it." Personally I think that abortion is just morally wrong. I'm not going to say that you are going to HELL just because you had an abortion. That's between you and the MAN above. I don't have anything to do that. But I still think its wrong beyond all means.Don't get me wrong, I understand that raising children is a difficult task. However, if a person feels like they can't handle that responsibility, they should give the child up for adoption. There are so many families out in the world that cannot have children, why won't you bless a family with that gift.

I am not trying to contradict my beliefs but I think that the only way I would probably understand a woman getting an abortion was if she was raped. I think that is the only way I could see abortion as acceptable. But even under those certain circumstances I still think taking a life that hasn't had the chance to live is wrong.


The Pesky Fly????!! (Memphis Blog)

I just finished reading one of those Memphis Blogs entitled "The Pesky Fly." It was basically talking about the presidential canidates. I really didn't understand what the person was trying to say because at one point he or she would make a comment about Hilary and why he or she doesn't like her and then turn around and say something positive about her, then go one to say he or she wants Barak to win. The problem that I have with this is that the person that wrote the blog really could not give a valid argument about why he wants Barak to win and why he dislikes Hilary. I mean I know every one is entitled to their own opinion, but when you state your opinion please try to make some type of sense.

However, I know that the voting for president is a very hard thing to think about (Not really!! :) ) but I just think about it this way.....they are going to cheat any way so why waste you time. I think that even though we take our time out and stand in those long lines to vote, that our opinion about who we want for president doesn't really matter anyway. Some of you guys may agree, and some of you won't. (Oh Well :) )

Time for me to run along now.
Oodles of Noodles

<3 Tee