Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well citizens of America, it seems to be that time again. Its has been eight years since our dear President George Bush has been in office, and his time is finally up. While reading the article "Let's Not Get Out The Vote" by Robert E. Coulson. I was thinking is it really necessary for us to vote. They say "Get Out and Vote" or "Vote or Die." However, what purpose does it serve? Being the fact that it seems like the politicians are cheating anyway.

While reading the article I noticed that it brought up some great points about the slogans and propaganda from presidential campaigns. The article stated that these slogans basically makes citizens go out and vote for just about anyone who is listed, even if the candidate will not benefit the country. These slogans makes people feel as if it is requirement to vote, when its really an right. The slogans and propaganda ads are only adding bundles of pressure to our citizens. Do they really help?

Furthermore, I think that the millions of people involved in these various campaigning committees are basically interagating people to come out and vote. I also think that the politicans, of course are the ones who are promoting these unnessary slogans about voting. For instance, there is this one slogan that reads "This may be your lasr chance." This slogan may be true in a sense, when referring to death; however, it is not true in instances. This slogan in particular kind of makes it seem like if you don't vote at that very instance that you probably will die or never be able to vote again. If the politicans haven't noticed by now that us citizens WILL BE ABLE TO VOTE in the NEXT FOUR YEARS!!

After reading this article a little further, there was this one statement that really caught my eye. Coulson stated that "Instead of urging people to vote, we ought to be urging them to study and form opinions. If thought and inspection of the candidates do not create a real desire to vote, then the citizen should be encouraged to stay at home on election day" (53). I totally agree with this statement. Why should a person leave the comfort of their home just to participate in a election that they aren't even interested in. Personally, I think it is really a waste of time.

Lastly, while finishing up on the article, another statement caught my eye. Coulson stated that "It is not your duty to vote, but, if you choose to, then it should be your duty to be intelligent about it" (53). This happens to be another statement that I solely agree with. We as citizens of what suppose to be the country of freedom, should not be pressured into voting. I think that if a person doesn't care about the presidential elections sould not go out and vote. I think that if a person has formed an opinion about their preferred candidate should go for it. The only thing that I have to say to those campaigners that are creating those ridiculous slogans is to: STOP!! Always form your own opinion and do things when you want to not when others pressure you to.

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